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Jessica Lay
Teacher- Technology
Jane Chance Intermediate
Jessica Lay
Teacher- Technology
Kinder Intermediate
Diane Lealos
Teacher- Grade 2
Bauer Primary
Kristine Lealos
Kinder Intermediate
Michele Leber
Intervention Specialist
Miamisburg Middle School
Kelly Lee-Marker
Mark Twain Primary
Krista Leggett
Medlar View Primary
Kelli LeMaster
Site Supervisor - Preschool
Bear Primary
Eric Lenski
Assistant Principal
Miamisburg Middle School
Tammy Lentz
Media Paraprofessional
Medlar View Primary
Emily Leonard
Teacher- Grade 4
Jane Chance Intermediate
Ocean Leone
Miamisburg High School
Emily Leopard
Teacher- Kindergarten
Mark Twain Primary
Becky Lewis
Administrative Assistant
Maddux Lang Preschool
Mark Lewis
Teacher- Science
Miamisburg Middle School
Linette Lindenschmidt
Intervention Specialist
Kinder Intermediate
Vincent Lintner
Intervention Specialist
Miamisburg High School
Shannon Lintner
Teacher- Grade 1
Mark Twain Primary
Brittani Lipinski
Supervisor- Special Education
Student Services
Zach Litfin
English Language Tutor
Miamisburg Middle School