The Miamisburg City Schools Board of Education seeks a student representative as a non-voting member. This position is to be filled by a Miamisburg High School freshman/sophomore. The term is August 2025 through student graduation.
The role of the student representative will be:
1. To provide student insight and perspective to the Board and school system administrators.
2. To serve as liaison to the students of Miamisburg City Schools.
3. To report to students about the work of the school system and the Board of Education.
Eligibility requirements for the student representative will be:
1. To be a rising sophomore or junior who has attended Miamisburg High School for one year in good standing.
2. Commitment of 2-4 hours per month with occasional meetings after school to meet with a Board of Education mentor. There may be activities that arise that the student representative will participate in with Board Members.
Responsibilities for the successful student representative will be:
1.To be a resident of Miamisburg or Miamisburg Township and any current freshman/sophomore at Miamisburg High School.
2.To be bound by all applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the elected Board of Education members.
3. To maintain appropriate school attendance and conduct.
4. To participate in Board discussions, but not to make motions, vote, hold Board offices, or attend Executive Sessions.
5. To receive materials distributed to Board members, with the exception of materials relating to individual students, employees, and other confidential matters exempt from disclosure by law.
6. The student representative will act as a liaison to student groups who attend Board of Education meetings and brief them about the upcoming meetings.
7. To attend work sessions and board meetings.
Please complete the google form if you interested in this student leadership position, No later than 4:30 p.m. on March 1