Parents...don't forget to frequently check the Parent Resource page of our website for events happening in Miamisburg and the surrounding communities!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
MHS Art students Josalan Credlebaugh & Scarlett Ritchie will have their work on display at the Dayton Art Institute during the TEDxYouth Dayton speaking event 3/16. They will discuss their work with participants in the Grand Ballroom during intermission. Tickets are FREE!! 🎨
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Online kindergarten registration is now open. Miamisburg will offer both half-day and full-day kindergarten programs next fall. Both programs will be whole child-focused and will provide your students with strong foundational academic instruction. The skills and attitudes developed in kindergarten can have an effect that lasts throughout a child’s school and adult life. Visit our website ( to learn more about our kindergarten registration process.
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Registration is open now for students who wish to attend the Miamisburg Preschool Program for the 2023-2024 school year. Your child must be a Miamisburg City School District resident, be three (3) years old or older prior to August 1, 2023, and be toilet trained to be eligible to register. Parents/guardians who initiate the preschool enrollment process will be asked to complete a Miamisburg Preschool Registration Placement Information survey. This information will be reviewed by Miamisburg Preschool staff, and notifications of assignments in requested sessions will begin on April [18], 2023. Miamisburg preschool staff will set up an in-person appointment to review original documentation and complete enrollment in preschool. All paperwork must be completed before your child’s spot is confirmed. Spaces are limited. Visit the website ( for more information.
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Today is International Women's Day! Thank you to ALL the women that we have working in our District including these strong ladies that are running some of our buildings! 💙
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Don't forget! It is time to register for Kindergarten...we will be here until 7:30 PM on Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8!! 💙
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
March is Art in Our Schools Month! MHS Student Jaleigh Gillespie participated in the Montgomery County Drug-Free Poster Art Contest. She won 2nd place and a $25 Amazon gift card & wireless earbuds! Way to go Jaleigh! 🎨
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Proud to announce the following MHS students attending MVCTC are invited (along with their honorees) to the 35th National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony hosted by the Miami Valley Career Technology Center Chapter: Anthony Ewing (Linda Wells), Aleisa Grimm (John Oliver); Nathaniel Kessel (None selected at this time), Michael Neubauer (Brad Myers), Jennah Samples (Tom Madigan), Travis Templeton (None selected at this time), Mallory Velez (Jason Curry), Kayla Wills (None selected at this time). The ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the MVCTC campus. Congratulations Vikings!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
MHS Students Hareth Khalil & Ashlynn Semons showcased their artwork in the "Everyone Matters Suicide Prevention Art Contest" on February 26th. Congratulations to Ashlynn for winning 'most artistic' and $500! 🎨 💰
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Josalan Credlebaugh (Honorable Mention), Ashleigh Wade (Gold Key), Hailey Hunter (Silver Key), & Natalie Combs (Gold Key & Honorable Mention) presented their artwork in the BIG deal show aka the MHS art championship held February 25th. Nice work ladies!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Today is National Read Across America Day! Reading is a great way to relax & escape the restraints of our everyday lives. Take some time today to read a short story/book & escape to a different place & time. It is important to step away from our phones or tablets & read a book!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Dr. Laura Blessing is a featured presenter this morning at the annual Preschool Promise Readiness Summit held in Dayton. The theme of the summit is "Power of Joy and Belonging."
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Happy National Employee Appreciation Day!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
SAVE THE DATE! Forty-nine MHS students from Mrs. Newton's and Mrs. Wagener-Harris's classes are in the Miamisburg Guild Show. The show will run from March 4th-25th and is free to go! 🎨
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Thank you to our Maintenance Department for all you do to keep our buildings looking good & running at their top performance. We appreciate all the grass you mow, furniture you move, repairs you make, and everything else you do on a daily basis for this District!
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Art in Our Schools Month! MHS students Josalan Credlebaugh & Ashley Riegel showcased their artwork at the Middletown Arts Center 'Tomorrow's Artist Today' on January 21, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
We are proud to announce our Miamisburg February District Student of the Month is Miamisburg Middle School's Bryan Palmer! Congratulations Bryan! #Vikings
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Congratulations to February Miamisburg High School Student of the Month Melissa Schlub. Good work Melissa! #Vikings
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Melissa Schlub
Congratulations to February Mound Elementary School Student of the Month Daphne Sergeant. Good work Daphne! #MoundGophers
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools
Congratulations to February Medlar View Elementary School Student of the Month Muath Al Tarhuni. Proud of you Muath! #Musketeers
over 1 year ago, Miamisburg City Schools