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Sarah Buzek
Supervisor- Special Education
Student Services
Ellen Gerhard
Occupational Therapist Assistant
Student Services
Cathy Gilkison
Attendance Officer
Student Services
Casey Hess
Social Worker
Student Services
Nikki Johnson
Supervisor- Special Education
Student Services
Jason Kibby
School Psychologist
Student Services
Katelyn Lambalot
Student Resiliency Coordinator
Student Services
Mary Ann Lawson
Administrative Assistant
Student Services
Brittani Lipinski
Supervisor- Special Education
Student Services
Kathleen Lucas
Director Student Services
Student Services
Alison Masters
Supervisor - Special Education
Student Services
James Montavon
Social Worker
Student Services
Haley Moore
Gifted Supervisor
Student Services
Brooke Moore
Social Worker
Student Services
Annie Niess
Social Worker
Student Services
Regina Parkhurst
Adapted Physical Education
Student Services
Breana Ramus
Student Resiliency Coordinator
Student Services
Sonya Wheeler
Administrative Assistant
Student Services
Shyra Wilson
Student Resiliency Coordinator
Student Services