Registration for Kindergarten through grade 12 is open for the 2024-2025 school year

The Miamisburg City School District does not offer open enrollment. You must be a resident in our district in order for your children to attend Miamisburg City Schools. To register your student, please click this link to set up your account. You will also need to provide copies of the following documents:

• Child's Birth Certificate - In place of a birth certificate we can accept one of the following:
1) hospital birth record (must include the date and place of birth of the child, hospital signatures and the gold seal) 2) passport 3) certificate of baptism or other religious record showing the date an place of birth of the child 4) a birth affidavit

• Immunization/Shot Records - No child will be permitted to enter school without proof of all immunizations.

• Photo ID of parent/guardian

• Certified copy of file date stamped custody papers or divorce decree (if they apply)

• Proof of residency* - The original copy of one of the following documents is required. Electronic statements are only acceptable if they reflect proof that they came from the company’s website.

• Utility or cable bill (ex. DP&L, Vectren, water bill, Spectrum, Direct TV, AT&T)

• Internet or telephone bill for residence only. Cell phone service is not acceptable.

• Current signed lease which includes the landlord’s name and phone number. And then once you receive your first utility bill, you will need to bring that in.

• If you are/will be living with another family member within the Miamisburg City School District, please complete this Residency Affidavit and drop off at the Board Office located at 540 E. Park Avenue, Miamisburg, OH. Forms can also be picked up at the Board Office if needed. You will be notified of the status after it is reviewed.

If you are not the parent or legal guardian of the student you wish to register, please contact the Student Services Office.